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Course Status : OPEN

Keppel Club Logo

Course Status: OPEN

Helping seniors stay in top form
in their golden years

By Wong Kok Leong, Vice-Captain

I first met our 77-year-old member, Mr Toh Ho Tay and his wife, Betty at the inaugural session of our Pioneer Generation Programme in late December 2023. They both love the programme and have been faithfully attending the weekly sessions since.

Three months after meeting the couple, I was fortunate to have a game with Mr Ho.I was impressed that for his age, it was remarkable that he could consistently drive far, averaging 180 metres, and straight. I asked how he was able to do so? Without hesitation, he shared that he has benefitted much from the Pioneer Generation Programme – the weekly stretching sessions and the 100 balls he gets to hit at the range have improved his game tremendously.

He added that his regular flight mates have also noticed his improvements – he was able to reduce the number of strokes he got from them.

Indeed, Mr Toh is a testimony of the success of our Pioneer Generation Programme.

If you are interested to join us in this programme, call 8891-0058 to register for the next session.