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Course Status : OPEN

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Course Status: OPEN

The Captain Answers is a regular column for Keppel members to ask questions relating to golf at Keppel Club. If you have any questions or suggestions for the Captain, email them to:

Publication of the questions received is at the discretion of the Newsletter

What do you do when there is a slow play?

Question: What to do when your game is delayed by slow-paced flights?

Captain Anthony Maniam says:

When delayed on the golf course, master patience and positivity!

Golf, often hailed as a game of precision and strategy, demands not only physical prowess but also mental resilience. One of the challenges that golfers frequently face is dealing with delays on the course. Whether due to weather conditions, slow play or unforeseen circumstances, maintaining patience and a positive mindset during these disruptions is crucial for an enjoyable and successful round.

1. Embrace the pause:
Instead of viewing a delay as a hindrance, consider it an opportunity to reset and refocus. Use this time to take a few deep breaths, clear your mind, and appreciate the surroundings. Embracing the pause allows you to regain composure and approach the next shot with renewed energy.

2. Stay mindful:
Mindfulness is a powerful tool in any golfer’s mental toolkit. During a delay, stay present in the moment rather than letting frustration build. Engage your senses – feel the breeze, notice the colours around you, and appreciate the beauty of the golf course. By staying mindful, you can prevent negative thoughts from creeping in and maintain a positive outlook.

3. Develop a routine:
Create a routine during delays to help anchor your focus and maintain a sense of control. This could involve stretching exercises, reviewing your game plan, or simply taking a short walk around the area. Having a set routine provides structure during unexpected breaks and helps you stay composed.

4. Visualisation:
Visualisation is a powerful mental technique that can keep you in a positive frame of mind. Picture successful shots, recall past victories, and envision yourself navigating the course flawlessly. Visualisation not only boosts confidence but also helps shift your focus away from the delay, fostering a more optimistic mindset.

5. Connect with fellow golfers:
Use delays as an opportunity to connect with your fellow golfers. Strike up a conversation, share experiences, or even discuss strategies for overcoming challenges on the course. Building camaraderie with others can turn the delay into a social and enjoyable interlude.


6. Maintain flexibility:
Recognise that delays are an inherent part of the game and that maintaining flexibility is key to navigating them successfully. Instead of dwelling on the inconvenience, view it as a chance to adapt and showcase your ability to stay composed under varying circumstances.


In the world of golf, delays are inevitable, but how you handle them can significantly impact your overall experience on the course. By embracing the above tips, you can transform delays into opportunities for personal growth and enhanced performance. Remember, patience and positivity are not just virtues; but essential skills that can elevate your golf game to new heights.

Always enjoy the time that you have out there while enjoying the game we all love.